Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Future Global Landscape

Caught this one in Tim Ferriss's blog, in a piece curiously entitled as How To Negotiate Like an Indian. Well I was intrigued, as despite priding myself on possessing some natural business acumen, I've always had a tough time when it comes to business with my Indian counterparts. There have been some good straight-forward deals, but more often than not we've had to walk away from the deal as we would both be bargaining from a tough position of strength, each one trying to maximise the deal.

What was interesting about the piece was the reference to the film 2 Million Minutes. Which considers the economic global landscape to come in terms of what is currently happening to the minds of our young in classrooms around the world. A strong work ethic is an advantage, but those who can innovate and have rich established networks will flourish. It's gonna be interesting indeed.



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